Did McCain help invent the BlackBerry?
Did McCain help invent the BlackBerry?
Senator's economic guru made the statement describing his capabilities.

London: A top advisor to Republican candidate John McCain has said that the Senator helped invent the modern "miracle" known as the BlackBerry.

"You're looking at the miracle that John McCain helped create," Douglas Holtz-Eakin, the Republican presidential candidate's economics guru, said on Tuesday.

He made the statement describing McCain's experience and leadership of the US Senate Commerce Committee.

Holtz-Eakin even pulled out his BlackBerry personal digital assistant when he was asked about McCain's achievements on the committee.

He also said the committee placed the Senator at the intersection of a number of economic interests, including the telecommunications industry.

However, the 72-year-old Republican candidate has acknowledged that he does not know how to use a computer and cannot send emails, one of the BlackBerry's prime functions.

Meanwhile, Holtz-Eakin's claim promoted comparisons to a 2001 speech by Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore, in which he boasted about "taking the initiative to create the internet" through technological and educational policies.

He was later mocked by Republicans for claiming to have invented the internet, although he never made such a claim.

Holtz-Eakin also said that McCain's policies on telecommunication industry have equipped him "to revive the economy amid a mortgage crisis, energy crisis and Wall Street meltdown.”

"He can and has the judgment to put people in place with technical expertise, with the history of experience in the areas necessary, that we're going to get reforms," the advisor said.

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