Dolphins give pre-natal therapy in Peru
Dolphins give pre-natal therapy in Peru
They respond to their trainers' calls and approach mothers-to-be for what is fondly called the healing touch.

Peru: If you're expecting a baby, visiting a dolphin may just be an excellent idea. And that's because these lovely creatures have more than their fair share of motherly instincts.

Amusement parks aren't the only place you'd see a dolphin in action. Doctors in Peru are making these playful water creatures do much more than simple acrobatics.

Female dolphin Wayra and her male companion Yaku are part of a pre-natal therapy session in Peru.

They respond to their trainers' calls and approach mothers-to-be for what is fondly called the healing touch.

They make their trademark sounds close to the women's belly and the mother-to-be actually feel the gentle vibrations of the sound inside.

"I felt that the dolphin wanted to get close to the baby and it was emitting such intense sounds that it made me vibrate within. The truth is I loved it," said Ety Napadenschi, expectant mother.

Specialists say these high frequency sounds made by the dolphins have a relaxing effect on the human's brain, which are then transmitted to the unborn child.

A study by the University of Wales found that 70 per cent of the people who listen to tapes with recordings of dolphin sounds show an improvement in their mental abilities.

So the next time you think you need to get sharper, dolphins may just do the trick.

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