The 15 Best Dice Drinking Games to Get Your Night Started
The 15 Best Dice Drinking Games to Get Your Night Started
You're hanging out and having a few beers. It's a good time, but conversation is starting to lag. Why not try a drinking game to break the ice and get the party started? Read on for the best drinking games that you can play with nothing but dice (and occasionally a few extra cups, but with a drinking game, you're bound to have those).


Finish drinking before anyone rolls a 7, 11, or doubles. Roll the dice until you get a 7, 11, or doubles, then nominate someone to drink. Fill a pint glass about a quarter of the way full of beer and when they start drinking, you start rolling. If they don't finish before you roll a 7, 11, or doubles, pour more beer in the glass and go again. If they finish first, they get to roll. Number of players: 2+ Number of dice: 2 Pro tip: Draw a line on the glass to indicate the pour level and make sure everyone agrees with it before you start.

3 Man

Roll the dice to make the 3 man drink. Choose a player to be the first 3 man. The player to their left rolls 2 dice. If there's a 3 on either die or the sum of 3, the 3 man drinks. Sum of 7, the player on the roller's right drinks. Sum of 9, the player across from the roller drinks. Sum of 10, everybody drinks. Sum of 11, the person to the left of the roller drinks. If the 3 man rolls a 3, they get to choose a new 3 man. Number of players: 3+ Number of dice: 2

Liars' Dice

Add a boozy twist to this classic bluffing game. The gist of liar's dice is that each player rolls 5 dice in their cup and calls out the value. In this drinking version, if you accuse another player of bluffing and you're wrong, you drink. If you're right? They drink. Number of players: 3+ (the more the merrier!) Number of dice: 5 per player, plus a cup for each player

Beer Die (Snappa)

Play beer pong with dice. The official version of Beer Die has some pretty specific rules, but if you're not picky, all you need is a rectangular table and 4 chairs. Put a chair at each corner and a cup full of beer on each corner of the table, then take turns bouncing a die across the table into a cup. Chug your beer if the die lands in your cup. Number of players: 4 Number of dice: 4, plus 4 cups and a table w 4 chairs

Left Right Drink

Roll the dice to find out who drinks next. All you do to play this game is roll a die! Roll a 1, the person to your left drinks. Roll a 2, the person to your right drinks. A 3 means the oldest drinks, a 4 means the youngest drinks, a 5 means you drink, and a 6 means everyone drinks. Then pass the die to the next player. Number of players: 2+ (the more the merrier!) Number of dice: 1

Down It Now!

Predict the roll correctly to take a shot. Place a full shot glass on the table and roll the die. The next player predicts what you'll roll. If they're right, they get to drink the shot. If they're wrong, take a drink from your own drink and roll again. When they're right, they get to roll and the next player gets to guess. Remember to chant "Down it now" while anyone is drinking the shot! Number of players: 3+ Number of dice: 1

Ready, Steady, Go (1-2-3)

Roll to decide who drinks what and who picks up the tab. Play this game at a bar. Gameplay is simple: the first person to roll a 6 decides what the drink will be, the second person to roll a 6 decides who will buy the drink, and the third person to roll a 6 drinks it. Number of players: 3+ Number of dice: 1 Pro tip: Agree on the types of drinks that can be chosen and the maximum price before playing.

Skull and Dice

Avoid rolling a 3 unless you want to get very drunk. This one comes to you from Australia, where the word "skull" means to chug your entire drink in one gulp. The first player rolls the die. A 1 or 6 means the player drinks, 2 or 4 means they don't, and 5 means they can choose someone else to drink. But a 3 means they drink and roll again. If a player rolls a 3 twice more (or 3 times in a row), they must skull their drink. Players pass the die clockwise after they roll once unless they roll a 3. Number of players: best with 4 or more Number of dice: 1

Mafia Dice

The last person with dice has to drink. Every player starts out with 5 dice and a cup. All players roll their dice, pushing 1s to the center of the table out of play and passing 6s to the player on their left. Then everyone immediately rolls again. Keep going until there's only 1 player left with dice to roll—that player must down a drink of their choice. Number of players: 3+ Number of dice: 5 per player, plus 5 cups

2 Dice

Drink if you roll 6s or doubles. In this simple game, roll 2 dice and take a drink if you roll a 6, any combination that adds up to 6, or any doubles. If you roll double 3s or 6s, you take a shot and a drink. If the dice roll off the table, everybody takes a shot. Number of players: 2+ Number of dice: 2

6 Cups (Sixes)

Roll the dice to decide which cup you'll drink out of. Choose 6 cups (size is irrelevant), line them up, and fill them to varying levels with the drink or drinks of your choice. Each player rolls a die and the number they roll corresponds to the cup they must drink. Keep going until all the cups are empty, then play again. Number of players: 2+ Number of dice: 1, plus 6 cups Variation: The first player to roll a number fills the corresponding cup and the next player to roll that number drinks that cup.


Roll the highest number or drink. Players split into 2 teams of 2 (if you have 5 players, the fifth player is the referee). Fill 2 shot glasses with beer, then set a timer for 3 minutes (one round). Both players roll a die and the player with the lowest number drinks their shot of beer. The glass is refilled and the round continues. Number of players: 4 or 5 exactly, no more and no less Number of dice: 2, plus 2 shot glasses

Chase the Ace

Roll until you roll a 1 and don't get caught with both cups. Sit in a circle and give 2 players sitting opposite each other a cup and a die to roll. Roll a 1, pass to the player on your left. A 4 is one drink for the player on your left, a 5 is a drink for the player on your right, and a 6 is a drink for you. If you get stuck with both cups, you have to chug your whole beer. Number of players: 4+ (the more the merrier!) Number of dice: 2, plus 2 cups

Desperate to Drink

Drink every time someone rolls your chosen number. Each person in your group chooses a number between 1 and 6. Then you take turns rolling the die—whoever's number is rolled has to drink, and then play passes to the next person. If you have fewer than 6 people playing, you can have nothing happen when the unchosen numbers are rolled or you can come up with penalties attached to those numbers (such as "everyone has to drink"). Number of players: ideally, exactly 6 Number of dice: 1


Guess heads or tails to see who drinks. Put a coin and a die in a cup and shake them. The next player guesses if the coin will land on heads or tails—if they're right, you drink the number of drinks dictated by the die. If they're wrong, they drink. Then pass the cup with the coin and die to the next player. Number of players: 2+ Number of dice: 1, plus a cup and a coin

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