Ex-CEC to probe Monika Devi dope farce
Ex-CEC to probe Monika Devi dope farce
Sports Minister asks Krishnamurthy to investigate the dope controversy.

New Delhi: Seeking to clear the air over the dope testing controversy surrounding weightlifter Monika Devi, Sports Minister MS Gill on Wednesday asked former Chief Election Commissioner TS Krishnamurthy to investigate the matter.

Krishnamurthy has been asked to submit his report within a week, sources in the Sports Ministry said.

"On return from Beijing this morning, I have been briefed on matters related to Monika Devi, one of our weightlifters. Questions arose about her dope testing and the timing and release of the reports, which led to her not being sent to Beijing Olympics," Gill said in a statement here.

He said, he had discussed all aspects of "this unfortunate incident" and decided to appoint an immediate inquiry under Krishnamurthy to go "into all aspects of this matter immediately so as to bring out the precise truth".

Monika was stopped from going to Beijing on August 6 at the eleventh hour after she tested positive for banned substance.

However, three days later she was cleared of any wrong doing by the Sports Authority of India but the relief came too late for her to participate in the Olympics.

"I have told him (Krishnamurthy) to come to Delhi at the earliest to hold his inquiry and to favour me with his report and recommendations at the earliest," Gill said.

The minister said although weeding out dope offenders was one of his priorities but equally important for him was to ensure that no innocent athlete suffers due to official "laxity".

"As Sports Minister, while I am determined to set up an independent technically proficient dope testing mechanism which has credibility in the world, I am also anxious that no sports person should suffer due to any laxity or delay on the part of this testing mechanism," he said.

"While ensuring prompt and firm action in Monika Devi's case, I am determined to ensure that such incidents do not happen in future. I want to assure all sports-persons that they will get full consideration and fair treatment from me at all times," he added.

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