Five arrested for betting on IPL
Five arrested for betting on IPL
BANGALORE: Central Crime Branch (CCB) sleuths have arrested five persons for allegedly betting on the ongoing Indian Premiere Leag..

BANGALORE: Central Crime Branch (CCB) sleuths have arrested five persons for allegedly betting on the ongoing Indian Premiere League (IPL) matches. A cash of Rs 22,000 and other valuables including television and mobile phones worth Rs 1 lakh have been seized.The accused have been identified as V Sriram (28), M Srinivas (44), Pramod (30), Raghu (24) and Rajeev (38). Reportedly, they were carrying illegal activities at a shop called Annapoorneshwari Enterprises Sound System in Palace Guttahalli in Vyalikaval.According to the police, the accused convened betting by contacting people on mobile phones during the IPL matches. On Wednesday night when the match between Kolkata Knight Riders and Mumbai Indians was going on, on a tip off, the police raided the shop and arrested the five. The police also had information about the accused not paying money to those who had won in the betting. During the raid, the accused persons' associates Sardar, Anil, Narahari alias Benaka and HRT Harish managed to escape. A case has been registered in Vyalikaval police station in connection with this.Actor arrested, releasedKannada film actor Harish Raj, was brought to High Grounds police station on the grounds of cheating case. However, he was released after producing a copy of anticipatory bail he had obtained from the court.Producer of the movie, 'Gun', in which Raj played the lead role, had filed a cheating case against Raj recently. Based on that, the police had brought the actor to the station. As Raj informed them of the anticipatory bail, the police released him.Gang attacks rivalA gang of five to six members attacked an opponent gang member with lethal weapons near Shimoga Garage on Hebbal Service Road, on Thursday evening. The victim, Mahesh alias Katthe Mahesha (26), has been hospitalised.According to the police, Mahesh was going on his bike near the garage when a maruti car hit his bike from behind.As he fell from his bike, rowdies Sunila, Gunda and others attacked him with machetes and other weapons and sped away. Mahesh was rushed to a nearby hospital, the police said.The police have suspected that old rivalry might have led to the attack.Mahesh is a rowdy sheeter in Hebbal police station and facing various charges against him.Hebbal police are investigating the case.

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