State Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission chairman Justice P N Vijayakumar visited the students of Peermade Model Residential School, who were under treatment at the Government Medical College Hospital and Institute of Child Health here, following food poisoning.
The commission has also registered a suo motu case in connection with the incident.
Justice Vijayakumar confirmed that the students were admitted due to food poisoning.“This is a very serious case. We will conduct an inquiry into the incident and strict action will be initiated against those found guilty,” he said.
He said that the commission had earlier found that the condition in various schools in the state was not up to the mark.
“We had sent a letter to the officials of the SC/ST Department, asking them to carry out inspections at various hostels under the department. We had asked them to check the hygiene in hostels, foods served to students and their resistance to ailments. Unfortunately we have not received any reply so far,” he said.
The commission had also sent another letter to the superintendent and principals of all government medical colleges in the state for examining the health conditions of students who come to hospitals for various aliments, which also has not yielded any response.
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