CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Association for the Rights of All Types of Differently Abled and Care Givers (TARATDAC) held a protest in the city onTuesday, urging the State government to ensure that its promises to thedifferently abled community are implemented at the earliest.The protestors decried what they saw as apathy and a sluggish responseon the part of the government in the implementation of various schemes and measures.“The government had passed an order that said ID cards for the differently abled would be given at Primary Health Centres. This has not happened yet, and the harassment of disabled people at the hands of government officials continues,” said Namburajan, TARATDAC State secretary.Representatives of the disabled community also demanded that thegovernment change the norms for the recognition of disability from 60per cent to the 40 per cent norm followed in many states.They reiterated their long-standing demand for the allotment of three per cent reserved government posts. “There has been a lot of lip service, but little has been done. Recruitment continues in department after department without the appointment of even a single disabled person,” saidNamburajan. Jhansi Rani, State president of TARTADAC, said the government must take active steps to redress these grievances. “These moves were meantto bring more disabled people into the net of government support. Butthat has not happened. We are not asking for something extraordinary,we are only asking for implementation of schemes that can helpdisabled persons live with dignity,” she said.
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