Lakhs Spent, Vision Lost: Mucormycosis Leaves Permanent Scars As Doctors Fight to Save Lives
Lakhs Spent, Vision Lost: Mucormycosis Leaves Permanent Scars As Doctors Fight to Save Lives
While some are trying to put up a brave face awaiting reconstructive surgeries, for others, the loss is permanent, besides a massive drain on their financial resources.

Removal of eyes or facial bones of patients suffering from Mucormycosis are leaving a permanent scar on their minds and physical appearance. While some are trying to put up a brave face awaiting reconstructive surgeries, for others, the loss is permanent, besides a massive drain on their financial resources.

According to a report in The Times of India, Navin Paul, who is perhaps the first patient of Mucormycosis in central India, ended up losing his eyes even after spending over a crore in treating the disease. The 46-year-old man, a state government employee, had contracted coronavirus in September last year and soon developed problems in his eyes and teeth after recovering from the infection.

The report said he got treated in at least six hospitals across Maharashtra and even Telangana that came at a cost of Rs 1.48 crore only to have both his eyes removed in surgeries. “I was prepared for it. I told the doctors they can remove my eye if it saves my life,” Paul was quoted as saying in the article. The operation has left a hollow patch in his face and eye and he faces issues while eating as food sometimes enters the hole where he once had his eye. Doctors have assured him of resolving the problem with the help of prosthetics, Paul said. Nilesh Bende, a resident of Yavatmal, cannot go back to his job as a private security guard at the women and child development department, after having lost both his eyes. His wife said tears had rolled his one remaining eye when doctors told him that even that would have to be removed. “He is left broken. I lied to him that his vision in one of the eyes would be restored with time,” Bende’s wife Vaishali said, adding that he has not even received salary for the previous months.

The report said Bende was infected with Covid in March but was asymptomatic and was in home quarantine. After he started feeling a discomfort, he got tested again and was taken to a Covid care Centre where he later lost vision in one of the eyes. His family sold off their house to spend about Rs 20 lakh in his treatment.

Subodh Kasulkar, a lawyer from Chandrapur, had his jaw bones removed after being infected by Mucormycosis. Dr Vipin Dehane who operated on him said the deft surgery does not leave any impression externally. “My speech has been hampered due to the operation… It is worse than cancer. I am looking like an old man,” Kasulkar was quoted as saying.

Ajay Shimpikar, who got Covid in March this year, followed by Mucormycosis, has remained strong, his brother said. His family has spent Rs 20 lakh for his treatment.

Both Kasulkar and Shimpikar are awaiting for reconstructive surgeries that they hope would bring a semblance of normalcy in their lives.

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