Lazy fingers rejoice; turn on your TV with gestures
Lazy fingers rejoice; turn on your TV with gestures
Using remote control too tiring? No worries. Just wave your hand.

New Delhi: World’s getting a better place for lazy fingers and couch potatoes.

If you’d rather wave your hands to pressing keys on remote control, rejoice.

Reports have it that Australian scientists have invented the perfect gadget for the ones for whom operating the remote control is an exercise in itself.

They have devised a box that lets viewers surf channels, operate their DVD player just with the swing of a hand.

No magic wave this. The built-in camera of the device has been designed to recognise seven most common and simple hand gestures.

The smart wave controller – that is compatible with at least eight devices across globe – has been made by Australian engineers Prashan Premaratne and Quang Nguyen and will be available in the market within three years.

The device is to be placed in the direct line of the viewer’s gaze and has to be positioned close to the television, says Premaratne.

Premaratne claims the device comes handy since remotes across the world are designed to obey different sets of commands that have to be mastered.

This software will recognise simple, deliberate hand gestures and send the appropriate signal to a universal remote control, designed to work with most makes of television, video recorder, DVD player, hi-fi and digital set-top box.

For example, a clenched fist would mean "start", an outstretched hand with closed fingers indicates "power on", a thumbs-up sign is "up" and a sideways victory sign means "channel".

The software can distinguish between real commands and unintentional gestures too. So the playful gestures of small children or pets won’t upset the setting.

The team has started work on making the gadget small enough to be built in to televisions or other devices.

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