Matters of the heart
Matters of the heart
Being a heart saverIf you are with someone who seems to be having an attack, act immediatelyExpect a denial .&nbs..

Being a heart saverIf you are with someone who seems to be having an attack, act immediatelyExpect a ‘denial ’.  It’s normal for someone with chest pain to deny that could be heart attack.  Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.  Insist on taking a prompt action.Call emergency service or get to the closest hospital.Give CPR if it is necessary and if you are trained.The warning signsUncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing or pain in center of chest, profuse sweating or weakness.Pain that spreads to shoulder, neck and back.Chest pain with light headedness, fainting, nausea, vomiting or breathlessness.Know what to doFind out which nearby hospital have 24 hour emergency cardiac care.Keep a list of emergency number next to the phone.Stay calm and breathe slowly and deeply.If you have chest discomfort call an emergency service or have some one drive you to nearest hospital. Don’t drive yourself.Every day healthy tipsTake advantage of any opportunity for exercise.Take the stairs.Park your car at the far end of parking lot. Short walks to and from work place helps your heart.If you ride a bus and get off a stop before your destination, walk the rest.Spend a few minutes of your lunch break taking a stroll around the campusThink of house work as an extra chance to exercise.Moving the lawn, pulling weeds, can be done yourself. If you have dog, think of dog as an exercise machine.  Brisk walk with dog is good for your heart.  Make it a routine.Dr V K Sirnivas MD, DM, Consultant Cardiologist, Mallya HospitalWhy World Heart Day?Cardiovascular diseases are the world’s largest killer, claiming nearly 17 million lives a year , that is, 30 per cent of overall deaths are due to heart.  In India alone 70 million people suffer from heart disease. Biggest concern is most of these deaths are preventable. Hence, to create general awareness, World Health Organisation  & World Heart Federation has dedicated one day in a year as World Heart day. From this year onwards it will be held on 29 September. (Earlier it used to be on last Sunday of September). This year’s theme for World Heart day is ‘One World, One Home, and One Heart’ .What are the risk factors for heart disease?Modifiable factors are: smoking, high BP, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity and lack of exercises. Non modifiable factors are age, sex and genetic predisposition. Smoking is the number one causative factor. Even passive smoking is equally dangerous. Regarding BP, cholesterol and sugars — regular check up with doctors and proper control is very essential. Overweight is a modern day curse.How do you prevent heart disease?Real concern about heart problem is that majority are preventable. The simplest thing would be to address modifiable risk factors. First and foremost is to quit smoking.  Tobacco in any form is not acceptable.  High blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar can be controlled with diet, exercise and if need be with medications. Brisk walking 30-40 minutes/day alone saves millions. Diet is another area. One should reduce fat intake and junk food, increase the intake of vegetable and fruits.(Dr Divakar Bhat, Chief Cardiothroacic Surgeon, Mallya Hospital explains everything about the heart in his DVD, All About the Heart)

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