New setback in Sabharwal murder case
New setback in Sabharwal murder case
Two journalists and six students told a court on Thursday that they did not see anyone assaulting Prof HS Sabharwal.

New Delhi: The court of District and Sessions Judge hearing the Prof HS Sabharwal murder case on Thursday recorded the statements of six class representatives and two journalists, all of whom told the court that they had not seen anyone in Madhav College assaulting the teacher on the day of the incident.

The two journalists even denied that they were not present on the spot where Sabharwal was allegedly beaten by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyathi workers.

The class representatives, who were present in the college for student polls, told the court of Judge Anil Kumar Sharma that since the authorities had cancelled the elections, they went home and had not seen anyone manhandling Sabharwal.

The court had summoned nine witnesses on Thursday, but only eight recorded their statements. The hearing of the matter will continue on Friday.

Sabharwal died after he was allegedly beaten by ABVP workers outside the college campus on August 26 following the cancellation of the student union polls.

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