Obama's popularity on the decline: Fox News poll
Obama's popularity on the decline: Fox News poll
Percentage of people disapproving from his work has gone up.

Washington: The hype and frenzy around the US President Barack Obama seems to be lowering down as results of a Fox News opinion suggest.

According to the poll, one month after Obamas taking over the charge, 60 percent of Americans approve of the job he is doing. It was 65 per cent three weeks ago (27-28 January 2009).

Similarly, percentage of people disapproving from his work has also gone up from 16 percent to 26 per cent.

The primary factor behind such trend can be ascribed to a decrease in approval and an increase in disapproval among Republicans, the Fox News said.

Percentage regarding views of Obama as a person also declined with 68 percent of Americans having a favorable opinion of him and 25 per cent unfavorable.

“These poll results highlight just how quickly the glow of inauguration festivities fades as well as the fluid state of public opinion in this tumultuous time,” Opinion Dynamics Vice President, Chris Anderson said.

The poll also revealed that 64 percent of Americans believe in Obama’s ability to bring positive change, a decline of 11 per cent from statistics if mid-January, which showed 75 per cent of people saying Obama will be able to make significant positive change for the country.

When asked whether they would be watching Obamas first presidential address to the nation, 54 per cent of people replied in affirmative, while 28 percent of people said they were not sure about it.

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