Pak prez's ‘final’ offer on Kashmir
Pak prez's ‘final’ offer on Kashmir
Musharraf says demilitarising Kashmir and self-governance can be the final resolution to the problem.

Islamabad: Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has made a "final" offer on Kashmir: "demilitarisation".

"I have proposed demilitarisation as resolution. Demilitarise Kashmir; give self-governance to people of Kashmir with a joint management arrangement on top.

"This is an idea I am proposing," Musharraf said in a TV interview on Friday night.

"We could debate and modify the idea but we have to come up with an idea of final settlement of the dispute to the acceptance of India, Pakistan and people of Kashmir. It is for people of Kashmir now to generate the kind of ideas and pressure on the Indian government on some form of a resolution," he said.

Musharraf also lauded Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's recent talks with Kashmiri groups. "I am very glad to say that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been interacting with all groups of Kashmiris. Obviously he is talking of some kind of resolution."

He said he would discuss Kashmir and other issues when Singh visits Pakistan. Musharraf stressed on a bilateral track to resolve the Kashmir problem.

"We are going on a bilateral track and Pakistan is going along with India. We do realise that we have to resolve this dispute bilaterally. I am not at all multilateralising it."

The General’s uniform

Musharraf insisted that his continuation as President and Army Chief was "very much needed" to tackle the domestic, regional and global pressures Pakistan faces.

"It (his uniform) is very much needed because of the pressures Pakistan faced domestically, regionally and internationally. It is in the fitness of things I should retain the two offices, President and Army Chief."

He was "extremely comfortable" with his roles as both the President and Army Chief. "I am my own model and do not believe in copying anyone. I copy myself, follow my gut reactions and perceptions."


Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz runs the day-today government. "I just have a role to ensure the system functions well, within that my presence is very much required," he said, adding that the Constitution permitted him to hold the two offices till 2007.

Musharraf said he would decide on the issue of giving up uniform when his Presidential term ends next year.

"I have said I will not violate Constitution. We will cross bridge when we come to it and follow dictates of the environment. I will follow national interest; never will I follow personal interest. I have a national focus and I want Pakistan to do well, ensure that it will do well," the Pakistan President said.

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