'Pak ready to give up Kashmir claim'
'Pak ready to give up Kashmir claim'
Gen Musharraf says self-governance does not mean independence and Pakistan is against independence for Kashmir.

New Delhi: Pakistan is prepared to give up its claim on Kashmir, the demand for plebiscite in the region and on implementation of UN Resolutions if both countries agree on the four-point solution.

In an interview to a news channel, Gen Musharraf said self-governance or autonomy did not mean independence and Pakistan is against independence for Kashmir.

He said Pakistan was prepared to give up its claim to Kashmir if India and Pakistan agree on the four-point solution (a solution in which boundaries are not changed and India does not have to give up any territory).

''We will have to. Yes, if this solution comes up,'' he said when asked if he was prepared to give up claim to Kashmir.

''We are on the same position as we were since 1948. But we both, I am saying we both ought to be prepared to give up all that we have been saying. And this includes all this."

President Musharraf also made it clear that if the four-point solution, which includes no change in boundaries of Kashmir, making borders and the LoC irrelevant, staggered demilitarisation and autonomy or self-governance with a joint supervision mechanism, is agreed upon, Pakistan would also give up on the UN resolutions and its long-standing demand for a plebiscite.

He said when both sides are negotiating, it meant compromise and compromise could never take place without stepping back. So inherently, both sides would have to give up their positions and step back.

The Pakistan President made it clear once Pakistan gave up its claim to Kashmir, this four-point solution was not a negotiating step towards getting independence for Kashmir and that self-governance or autonomy was not the first step to Kashmir's independence.

''Yes, we are against independence,'' he said when asked whether he meant no independence for Kashmir.

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