Pakistan rearrests former president Musharraf over Red Mosque deaths
Pakistan rearrests former president Musharraf over Red Mosque deaths
Pakistan rearrested former president Pervez Musharraf on Thursday following accusations that he was personally responsible for the deaths of more than 100 people after he ordered commandos to storm the Red Mosque in 2007.

Pakistan rearrested former president Pervez Musharraf on Thursday following accusations that he was personally responsible for the deaths of more than 100 people after he ordered commandos to storm the Red Mosque in 2007.

The operation followed a week-long standoff between the mosque's supporters and security forces.

The rearrest came after he had been granted bail in three other cases and his lawyer said on Wednesday he was cleared to leave the country.

A complaint against Musharraf in the Red Mosque case was registered two weeks ago on the orders of a judge.

Musharraf was forced out of office after trying and failing to fire the country's chief justice. The former president and head of the army went into exile in 2008 but returned earlier this year in an abortive attempt to launch a political career.

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