BANGALORE: A day after the Higher Education Department instructed Bangalore University to convene a special Syndicate meeting, Vice-Chancellor Dr N Prabhu Dev has passed the buck of the delay to Registrar (Administration) B C Mylarappa.In a press statement, the Vice Chancellor stated, “Few Syndicate members have written to call a Syndicate meeting on the issue of construction of PG Centre at Kolar and the Hostel repairs and another 12 issues. I have asked for all the documents and details on these issues from the Registrar who is the custodian of records. He has refused to call the special Syndicate meeting inspite of three directions from me, dated February 2, 6 and 7, 2012.”Vice Chancellor Prabhu Dev further stated that it was for the first time in Bangalore University that a Registrar refused to call for special Syndicate meetings despite instructions from the Vice Chancellor.“As per the Act and Statutes the Honourable Registrar is the Member Secretary of the Syndicate. He is required to call the Syndicate meeting on the instructions of the Vice-Chancellor. If he refuses to call the meeting and not produce the records, it amounts to constitutional breakdown of the administrative machinery,” Vice Chancellor Dr N Prabhu Dev stated.The Vice Chancellor also stated that he was not informed about the inspection done by Mylarappa in the Jnana Bharathi campus.“The Honourable Registrar has spoken to the media about the toilets and other incomplete buildings. I would have joined him if I was informed about the visit. I am surprised that the ‘Honourable’ Registrar had only toilets and the incomplete buildings to showcase before the media. Probably according to him in Bangalore University there is nothing better to show. Anyway it is his perception at its best,” the Vice Chancellor wrote.Vice Chancellor Dr N Prabhu Dev has called a Works Committee meeting on February 13.He is also planning to order a detailed enquiry into the non-completionof several buildings, including non-settlement and processing of bills by the University engineering department from 2001.
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