Rewrite Bible: Hitler told theologians
Rewrite Bible: Hitler told theologians
Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler had instructed a group of German theologians to rewrite the Bible and the New Testament.

Jerusalem: Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler had instructed a group of German theologians to rewrite the Bible and the New Testament to serve the war against the "eternal Jewish enemy," according to a media report.

Towards this end, a Nazi researcher also determined that Jesus' family came from the Kavkaz Mountains and was therefore not Jewish, Israel's 'Ynetnews' quoted German newspaper Bilt Zeitung as saying.

The German newspaper has revealed that in 1939, a group of Protestant theologians, loyal to the Nazi regime, established an institution for the "cleansing of Judaism from Christianity".

The institution's official purpose was to cleanse the Protestant Church of all ceremonies with non-Aryan influences, and to compile alternative scriptures derived from the Nazi ideology and spirit of the Church, the report said.

The Church staff worked incessantly conducting comprehensive surveys and publishing a large number of documents that imbued Christianity with Nazi commentary, it said.

One of these publications, the German Book of Faith, included the rewriting of the 10 commandments in the spirit of Nazi ethics and also added two more commandments, including 'respect thy Fuehrer'.

Another book compiled by the Nazi regime was The Institute for the Purification of Christianity, a new prayer book for Christians that removed mention of Hebrew words such as Hallelujah.

Majority of these scriptures disappeared after World War II, or were transferred to various archives, the German newspaper said.

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