Round 2 of Covid-19 Vaccination Drive Off to Slow Start Due to CoWIN Crashes, Technical Glitches
Round 2 of Covid-19 Vaccination Drive Off to Slow Start Due to CoWIN Crashes, Technical Glitches
In a few centres, the software crashed in the beginning of the day and remained sluggish. For many who took the vaccine on January 16, the software flashed that they had not completed 28 days.

Glitches in the CoWIN app hindered rollout of the second dose of Covid-19 vaccine as the app did not reflect the ‘partially vaccinated’ status of those who took the first shot on January 16.

According to a report by Times of India, 25% of the recipients eligible for the second dose could get the shot in Maharashtra while hundreds had to be turned away without vaccination.

In Mumbai, only 4% got the second dose of the 1,926 eligible. Officials told Times of India that the software didn’t recognise that beneficiaries eligible for the second dose had already taken the first shot. In a few centres, the software crashed in the beginning of the day and remained sluggish. For many who took the vaccine on January 16, the software flashed that they had not completed 28 days.

Even for many who got the second dose on Monday, the software generated a provisional certificate saying this was their first dose. In Mumbai, only five centres could even administer the second dose, while in most others, the software did not support even the creation of vaccine sessions.

A state official said they had anticipated this problem and are hoping for it to get resolved soon. Meanwhile, routine vaccination turnout in Mumbai plummeted to 50% in the city as only 5,203 of the intended 10,400 came to get vaccinated. Similarly, in the state, 29,884 people came to take the vaccine.

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