Services of 3 government pleaders terminated
Services of 3 government pleaders terminated
KOCHI: The state government has terminated the services of three government pleaders who were appointed by the previous LDF Govern..

KOCHI: The state government has terminated the services of three government pleaders who were appointed by the previous LDF Government.Senior government pleader K Meera and pleaders R Nisha Bose and Rani Diothima are those terminated from the service.Usually after the five-year tenure, the government pleaders would resign. But the three continued in the post which led to opposition from some sections.The termination order was issued by Law Secretary C P Ramaraja Prema Prasad on December 24. The government has also appointed six senior government pleaders and four government pleaders. Advocates Thomas Ambooken, Egy N Elias, L Alosious Thomas, V S Sreejith, P Sareena George, Lilly Leslie, P S Abdul Karim, R Ajayaghosh, P V Elias and P S Sajeevan are the newly appointed pleaders.

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