Sonia likely to make Chiru MoS
Sonia likely to make Chiru MoS
Congress is planning to field the erstwhile Praja Rajyam chief in AP for Rajya Sabha in the biennial polls due in 2012...

HYDERABAD: The long wait of erstwhile Praja Rajyam president Chiranjeevi seems to have come to an end. For the first time after the merger of the PRP with the Congress in August, AICC president Sonia Gandhi gave an audience to him in Delhi on Wednesday and promised him a position befitting his stature.Indications are that he may be accommodated in the Union cabinet as the minister of state.But for that to happen, Chiranjeevi has to be a member of either Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha. The Congress is planning to field him for Rajya Sabha in the biennial elections which are due next year as six of the sitting members from Andhra Pradesh retire on April 2, 2012.According to sources, Chiranjeevi can be taken into the Union cabinet six months ahead of Rajya Sabba elections to comply with the constitutional requirement. It may happen towards the end of November or December in a minor reshuffle in the cabinet at the Centre.It may not go beyond December, sources said, since the Uttar Pradesh elections are scheduled in April and May next year. Chiranjeevi, who was at a loss to understand the maze that the Congress is after he merged his party as there were no indications from the high command over what it would do to the promises made by the Central leaders to him.Before the PRP merger, Chiranjeevi was promised a respectable position in the Congress and that a couple of his MLAs would be taken into the state cabinet.This apart, the Congress promised seats in local body elections.But as the days went by, the initial enthusiasm and euphoria over joining the Congress began ebbing away from Chiranjeevi and his leaders as the Congress appeared not bothered about the silent agony of mega star and his men.There are several MLAs who were indulging in daydreaming of becoming ministers overnight.Even when the byelection for the seat vacated by former chief minister K Rosaiah came around, the Congress cold shouldered the PRP’s plea for fielding its senior leader and former minister Kotagiri Vidyadhara Rao.Leave alone the leaders, even Chiranjeevi was at a loss to know where he is in the Congress. But sending the hopes of better days soaring in Chiranjeevi, Sonia Gandhi called him to Delhi.After a 20- minute meeting with her, Chiranjeevi appeared very upbeat while divulging the contents of the conversation he had with her regarding the positions to be given to him and his MLAs which is most unlike of a politician. “Madam has told me that she would give a position befitting my stature. As regards the MLAs and other leaders in my group, she said those who have leadership qualities would be accommodated in suitable positions.” Chiranjeevi said.

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