UK Muslims fear backlash
UK Muslims fear backlash
Britain's Muslim community once again feared racist attacks as the names of the 19 arrested youths were released.

London: Nineteen Muslim youths detained in connection with the suspected plot to unleash waves of explosions aboard US-bound aircrafts were named on Friday. Their assets have been frozen in Britain.

As the Pakistan connection once again grabbed headlines, the July 7 bombers last year had also allegedly visited Pakistan before the blasts, the scale of the preventive measures put in place threw travel and holiday plans of thousands of people across the globe out of gear.

Britain remained on a 'critical' level of alert as anti-terrorism officials raided many places across the country. Several have been questioned, and it is believed that the mass scale of the plot was revealed during such interrogation.

Britain's Muslim community once again feared racist attacks and worse as the names of the 19 arrested youths were released. Members of the community had faced several attacks and racist abuse after the July 7 bombings last year and things were beginning to cool off, until yesterday.

The Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Ed Balls said that the decision to take financial action was taken on the advice of the police and security services.

"The Treasury has instructed the Bank of England to issue notices to effect a freeze of the assets of a number of individuals arrested in Thursday’s operations," he said.

This was done under the terms of the Terrorism (United Nations Measures) Order 2001, he added.

Balls also said, "The Treasury will review the need for further use of our asset-freezing powers as we receive further advice from the police and security services."

Home Secretary John Reid said the police were confident that the "main players" had been accounted for.

Reid urged people of all communities and religions in the UK to join together to overcome "those who wish to harm us". He said people should remain vigilant but "carry on as normal" amid the continuing security alert.

This was vital to prevent "evil people", who seek to destroy British values and spirit from winning, he added.

The suspects were rounded up in raids in London, High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, and the West Midlands. All are being held in London.

Searches continued at several addresses and people were evacuated from some homes in High Wycombe.

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