UNSC okays Ban Ki-Moon as UN chief
UNSC okays Ban Ki-Moon as UN chief
The 15-member Security Council on Monday recommended South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon to the General Assembly.

United Nations: The 15-member Security Council on Monday recommended the soft-spoken, low profile South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon to the 192-member General Assembly for election as the eighth Secretary-General of the United Nations for a five-year term beginning on January 1, 2007.

Under the rules of procedure, the Assembly can elect the recommended candidate the same day or within next few days, depending on the consultations among the member states.

Once the recommendation reaches the President of the Assembly, she will hold consultations with the chairs of regional groups to fix a meeting for the election.

Japan, as chair of Asian group from which Ban comes, will coordinate with chairs of other groups and they together would sponsor the resolution for Ban's election.

The election could be by acclamation as had happened in the case of last four incumbents or by a vote if a member state demands.

In case of vote, simple majority of those present and voting would be needed though the Assembly could decide on two-thirds majority.

The rules require that a vote is held 24 hours after the resolution is circulated but the members could suspend the rules at the request of the President to elect the new Secretary General on the same day.

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