UP Board Result 2019 | UP Board Result 2019 is likely to declare the result Uttar Pradesh Class 12th result 2019 shortly.The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) will announce the UP Board 12th and UP Board 10th result on its official website This year, over 30 lakh students had registered for UP Board Class 12 Exams.
The students can also check their UP Board 12th Result 2019 at and The number of students who had registered for the board exams in the state was over 58 Lakh out of which 6 lakh reportedly skipped the exam after appearing in one or two papers. With combined student strength of about 2.6 million students, the Uttar Pradesh Intermediate Result i.e. the Intermediate Result 2019 UP Board, is the single largest Class 12th Result to be announced in India.UP Board Result 2019 Statistics
Total Pass Percentage for UP Board 12th Result 2019: 70.06%
Total number of students: 28.63 Lakh
Topper: Gautam Raghuvanshi with 97.93%How to Check the UP Board 10th, 12th Result 2019:
Step 1. Visit the official website of UP Board at or at
Step 2. Click on the ‘result’ link displayed on the homepage
Step 3. A new page will open,
Step 4. Login with your credentials like name and registration number.
Step 5. Your UP Board 12th/10th Result 2019 will be displayed on your screen.
Step 6. Download it and keep a print-out for future reference.GET YOUR UP BOARD INTER RESULTS 2019 ON MOBILE - SMSSMS - UP12
Students will need their board examination roll number in order to check UP Board 12th/UP Board 10th Result. Students will be able to check the result through the official website on their mobile phones too.
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