Vishwaroopam: Producers to discuss DTH issue today
Vishwaroopam: Producers to discuss DTH issue today
The meeting will debate on Kamal's initiative to air film on DTH platform, a day before its theatrical release.

Even as theatre owners are firm in their move to oppose Kamal Haasan's decision to air 'Vishwaroopam' on DTH platform a day before its theatrical release, a meeting of producers has been convened today to discuss the issue.

"The meeting will debate on Kamal's unique initiative and will discuss its pros and cons. At the end of the meeting, a decision to either support or oppose the move will be taken," sources said.

They however added that the producers are likely to support Kamal's decision since it (selling films to DTH players) would bring additional revenues to them.

Meanwhile, theatre owners association president Ramanathan said Kamal's DTH decision would affect theater revenues. "We are already suffering from a lot of issues and this will add to our woes," he said.


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