The incident occurred on Thursday night at a village under Mehgaon police station, around 40 km away from the Bhind district headquarter, police said.
A 24-year-old woman was raped by two men who held her three-year-old son hostage at gunpoint in Madhya Pradesh's Bhind district, police said on Saturday.
The incident occurred on Thursday night at a village under Mehgaon police station, around 40 km away from the Bhind district headquarter, police said.
The accused Vikram (28) and Krishna Sharma (30) threatened to kill the complainant's three-year-old son with a gun and raped her by taking turns, Superintendent of Police Shailendra Singh Chouhan said quoting the FIR.
A case of rape was registered and search is on to trace the accused duo, he added.
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