5 Easy Ways to More Effectively Handle a Hyperactive Child
5 Easy Ways to More Effectively Handle a Hyperactive Child
We present to you some well-researched coping strategies for your child, following which will take care of their hyper-activeness.

Who doesn’t want their kids to be fit and active; it is just that problem arises when the activity level goes beyond the limit and causes worry for parents. The key to ensure children’s hyperactivity never hampers their well-being is to help them channelize their energy through activities.

Handling hyperactive children can be highly challenging but once you find your groove, you are all set. We present to you some well-researched coping strategies for your child, following which will take care of their hyper-activeness.

1. Enroll kids into karate or swimming class: Involve kids in high energy activities such as karate, swimming so that they are able to put their energy into something constructive and beneficial. Being little, naturally, they would not know how, when, where to channelize their energy. But as adults, you can easily guide them towards these activities which will in due course improve their attention span, instill discipline, keep them happy, calm, confident, and most importantly make them self-sufficient.

2. Enroll into activities with rhythm and structure: Get your child into dance or music classes. Based on your child’s interest, help your child, get in touch with their creative side. Let them learn an instrument, participate in plays, and have their energy lead to something productive and beautiful.

3. Assign household chores, help them create a to-do list: Often children do not get the opportunity to be useful with the household chores and thereby continue to bounce around with their limitless energy. It would be judicious to teach them responsibility by giving them minor work such as filling water bottles, running errands such as bringing a book down from bookshelf, putting the towel back where it belongs to, etc.

Also, let your child come up with the to-do list from the tasks you have assigned. This will make them confident, feel needed, and more responsible; and will also give them a visual reference to prevent distraction.

4. Adopt a positive reinforcement strategy: Encourage your child to focus on the completion of any task assigned to them by giving them a reward at the end of it. As getting a hyperactive kid to concentrate and complete a task can be a challenge, introducing prizes, showering praises would be a great way to keep them motivated. Compliment them and make them feel the importance of the task that they have completed through positive reinforcements.

5. Allow ample unstructured time: Though it may sound weird, providing your child opulent time to simply play without any apparent purpose to it, is in fact a great way to let children unleash their volcano of unbridled energy. As a parent, you of course must be able to time their duration of play-time. But, make sure that they are given the freedom to enjoy, play, move outside in an unstructured setting. Let them run, jump on trampoline or couch, crawl under objects, climb, play, dance, wrestle in their free active time.

Make patience your friend and see your strategies unravel a flower through your hyperactive child when they start putting their limitless energy into such strategic activities.

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