Heredity and air pollution together increase the risk of depression among healthy people, claims new research, adding that the highly polluted particles dissolve in the air and enter the body of humans through respiration.
The research has been carried out by the Peking University of China in collaboration with Hao Yang-Tan of the Labor Institute for Brain Development in America. The researchers said more or less all people are prone to depression, but some people are more prone to it due to their heredity.
The research, published in the journal PNAS, claims that air pollution not only causes respiratory diseases but depression too. The International Genetic Museum includes air pollution data, neuroimaging, brain gene expression and other additional scientific data of people from about 40 countries.
“The important conclusion of the research is that air pollution also affects the emotional and cognitive capacity of the brain. This change is becoming the major reason for depression complaints among people,” reads the study.
Research Scientist Tan said, “More and more people are falling prey to depression in areas with high pollution. Due to increasing pollution in the environment, the behaviour of people also starts changing.”
He adds “Air pollution can not only cause serious problems of respiratory diseases, but also mental health. People need to be very careful about this.”
North India is witnessing the worst air pollution levels after Diwali this year. The tale repeats every year around the same time. The problem of burning eyes, shortness of breath and heart-related diseases spike during this time among the people.
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