Diabetes: Did you Know These Effects of Diabetes on Mental Health?
Diabetes: Did you Know These Effects of Diabetes on Mental Health?
Diabetes distress is when people suffer from diabetes where they experience denial, stress, anxiety, guilt, the inability to self-manage, and depression

Diabetes’ impact on mental health is no less than heart ailments, stroke or kidney diseases. The fluctuation in blood sugar levels makes a person feel low, irritable and even aggressive at times. Such behaviour is known as diabetic distress. Health experts say that like several other health complications, diabetes too brings a lot of mental health issues and adversely affects your mood. There are certain mental health conditions like low energy, being lethargic, anxiety, and irritation that can be triggered by disturbed sugar levels.

Psychiatric disorders particularly Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and eating disorders are common in diabetic people. However, the mood swings and irritation in diabetics are not permanent and depend upon fluctuation in blood sugar levels. Here’s all you need to know.

What is diabetes distress?

Diabetes distress is a term commonly used for people suffering from diabetes where they experience denial, stress, anxiety, guilt, the inability to self-manage, and depression. This can be hazardous for the person living with diabetes and mental health comorbidities. It can increase the risk for serious short and long-term complications like blindness, amputations, stroke, cognitive decline, decreased quality of life, and premature death. Here’s how you can prevent diabetes distress.

How to prevent diabetes distress

Take a balanced and monitored diet to keep your sugar levels controlled.

Indulge in physical activities and exercises as they can elevate mood and control the glucose levels in the body.

One must support a group or community of people living with type 2 diabetes. This provides emotional strength to the diabetic patients to share their feelings in an empathetic and sensitive environment.

Keep your family environment loving and supportive towards individuals living with diabetes. Talk to them, listen to them and try to understand them

Spiritual practices can also have a positive impact on emotional well being.

Take proper medication and keep checking your sugar levels as it will help to sustain sugar levels within the normal range.

You can also take help from health coaches to maintain optimum weight and an adequate diet plan as this boosts confidence in reversing diabetes. You can enroll in a diabetes self-management programme.

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