Is It Safe To Skip Dinner To Lose Weight? Know Its Side Effects
Is It Safe To Skip Dinner To Lose Weight? Know Its Side Effects
Doctors warn that while skipping dinner may bring short-term benefits when it comes to losing weight, it can also lead to various health problems in the long run.

We all have that drive to look our best and maintaining an optimal weight is an important part of it. If you happen to pile on kilos for some reason, we often resort to unscientific methods to reduce our weight in our desperation. One obvious unscientific method is of course the many weight reduction pills available in the market, many of which may have dangerous side effects. Another is the skipping of meals, especially the last meal of the day, dinner. But is skipping dinner healthy and safe?

Dinner serves not only as the final meal of the day but also as the last chance to provide your body with essential calories and nutrients before bedtime. For many, sleep represents the longest period within a 24-hour cycle without food, making dinner crucial for sustaining the body’s needs during this extended fasting period. Depriving that of your body can lead to several health problems.

Doctors warn that while skipping dinner may bring short-term benefits when it comes to losing weight, it can also lead to various health problems in the long run. In particular, it is said to affect the body’s metabolic rate and increase appetite and cravings. They also warn that it can cause micronutrient deficiencies. Skipping dinner can contribute to sleep disturbances and reduced physical energy levels as well.

Avoiding dinner may result in fluctuations in blood sugar levels, leading to feelings of shakiness or low energy. For individuals with diabetes, skipping meals can be particularly dangerous, as it can trigger dangerous spikes or drops in blood sugar. Additionally, skipping meals can have detrimental effects on mental well-being.

A 2020 study published in the journal Innovation in Aging found that older adults who skipped meals were more prone to experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and insomnia compared to those who did not skip meals. Experts suggest that eating a balanced diet at the right time helps in losing weight and is also good for health.

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