Men, Take Notes! These Things Make Sex Less Pleasurable for Women
Men, Take Notes! These Things Make Sex Less Pleasurable for Women
The fear of pregnancy or STIs during sex leads to a wave of anxiety and fear, thus ruining the sexual pleasure

People feel comfortable in their partner’s skin. The intimacy two individuals show to each other under the covers can lead to utmost levels of satisfaction. However, there are certain things which can ruin the sexual pleasure for women.

Emotional attachment

Unlike men, women get attracted to someone emotionally. Unless they have not developed a strong emotional bond with a person, they will never experience the sexual pleasure with the man. Emotional bond develops when two partners date each other for a long time and get to know each other better.

Feeling of dissatisfaction with their bodies

Cinema, novels along with pornography has led to women being objectified and constantly feeling dissatisfied with their bodies. This also becomes one of the reasons that women feel a lot more vulnerable opening up with their partner during sex. Feeling of body positivity should be encouraged among the women.

Time taken to reach the state of orgasm

In comparison to men, women take a lot more time to attain the state of orgasm. It is again due to the fact that women tend to be more attracted to someone when they have developed a feeling of emotional attachment with them. This simple fact is hard to understand for most of the men. They live under an illusion that women will reach the state of orgasm at the same time they attain. This leads to women developing a feeling of ‘sexual object’ in them leading to mental health problems like depression, anxiety.

Non-usage of contraceptives during sex

The fear of pregnancy or STIs during sex leads to a wave of anxiety and fear, thus ruining the sexual pleasure. For this reason, contraceptives must be used making a woman feeling more safer with you. Also, if you are going to do unprotective sex with your partner, make sure to get a HIV test done beforehand. It will reduce the worries of catching an infection and also boost the sexual pleasure.

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