Mother’s Day 2020: A Healthy You, Your Baby And Your Home
Mother’s Day 2020: A Healthy You, Your Baby And Your Home
Mothers need to take care of themselves and their mental health. So, this Mother’s Day, let us give you the one thing that you thrive the most on--information.

For a new mother, self-care is vital but becomes ever more necessary owing to the current scenario. Mothers need to take care of themselves and their mental health. So, this Mother’s Day, let us give you the one thing that you thrive the most on, more information, and at the same time, add in a little self-care to the mix. This way, you can create a sanitised home and at the same time foster a happy and healthy mind.

Sanitising the house: A family activity

In these crucial times, it is necessary to keep the house sanitised. With a baby in the picture, it is even more crucial. Hence, one must clean the house as a daily ritual. However, it does not have to be a one-man job, and it does not have to be all that boring either. Make your partner, and whoever else is in the family join in with you, press play on your uplifting playlist, and get sweeping.

• While cleaning the house, one must add in some disinfectants. Cleaning sprays with alcohol disinfectants works the best, however, the age-old hack of a few drops of dish soap with a spoon of salt in a small bowl of lukewarm water can work wonders as well

• Places like doorknobs, handles, Light switches, drawers, refrigerator, TV remote, dining tables are touched constantly, so disinfecting them with sodium hypochlorite solution (mild bleach) on a daily basis is a must.

We know how much the mother in you must love assigning and planning tasks, so go ahead and make a responsibility chart. Only if it eases your mind.

Special tips for new mothers

With all the added responsibility of managing a new baby and the added challenges of managing a house in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic, remember that up-keep of not just your family’s health but your own is priority. You may sometime overlook it, but it is also something your newborn depends on. So, exercise these rules for not only everyone else, but yourself as well.

• Clean your hands and make it a strict habit to follow. Use effective soaps and if your hands feel tight or flaky, keep a baby-safe lotion right beside the hand-wash dispenser.

• Clean your hands thoroughly before feeding the child. Make sure that you only use moisturiser after you have fed them and washed your hands.

• Maintain oral and vaginal hygiene. And make sure to clean your clothes and intimates regularly. This make you feel fresh and adding a few drops of an antiseptic to the water will make it even safer.

• Enhancing immunity is paramount in this COVID -19 situation. Your diet should include good amount of Vitamin C intake in the form of lemons, amla, citrus fruits. Watermelon, pumpkin seeds have good amount of zinc and there is some evidence that zinc will further strengthen the immune system. Do not forget to do some breathing exercises to enhance your lung capacity. Drinking warm water is a good practice.

Special tips for the newborn

Having a newborn during these COVID-19 times can be quite nerve-wrecking. However, you do get to spend a lot more time with these ‘little angels’ while social distancing. Here are a few things one can keep in mind to keep them safe.

• Disinfect their crib and clothes with a special infant-friendly disinfectant.

• According to NCBI, infants who are not breastfed are more vulnerable to infectious diseases, including severe respiratory tract infection. Hence, mothers must breastfeed regularly. While breastfeeding though, you can listen to an audiobook and sip on some relaxing tea. This will not only help you relax but can also expand the language comprehension for the new-born.

• If you are using a breast pump, clean and sterilise it properly before and after use.

• Anything that the baby touches will eventually end up in their mouth so one must sterilise not only the bottle nipples but also their pacifiers and toys.

• Do not soak or submerge wooden toys in water. Wood is porous and that water absorption can potentially harvest mould. For these, you can create a solution of 50 percent white vinegar and 50 percent water. You can spray this solution on the toy and wipe it off.

• To disinfect the bedding, you can vacuum both sides of the mattress and underneath it to scoop up any loose debris.

While one must keep these things in mind, do not try and overthink. Enjoy the process of cleansing the home, and with the help of your family members, make it into a safe haven for your baby to grow in.

(Author Dr Deepika Aggarwal is Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, CK Birla Hospital)

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