Real Life Ola Share Stories: Ola's Friendship Day Campaign Encourages People to Share a Cab, Make a Connection
Real Life Ola Share Stories: Ola's Friendship Day Campaign Encourages People to Share a Cab, Make a Connection
Finding people with the same interests is priceless! A lot of people have found their new connections in a cab ride! What’s your Ola Share story?

The daily commute from home to work and back can get quite boring. Plus sharing a cab with strangers is not the favorite option of the commuters. However, Ola found a way around bringing people closer and breaking the barriers of travelling with strangers by making them potential connections.

The latest Ola campaign ran around friendship day, encouraging people to share a cab and make connections which otherwise would’ve been impossible.

Like meeting a stranger who could make your future!

Ola brought to light that meeting new people can be fun, great for future endeavors and also helps find like-minded people with just a comfortable conversation in a cab!

For many who have taken Ola share cabs can vouch for the fact that their best conversations were made during their cab rides. Some even called meeting their new friends as serendipity.

To spread more smiles and be a catalyst for more such conversations and connections, Ola introduced a friendship day special Ola Share cab pass for just Rupee 1. The most astonishing result was a lot of commuters came forward and told their stories of meeting new people, potential employers and long lost friends through these rides!

Inspired by these warm commuter stories, Ola sought out to be a connection finder, inspiring millions to

#ShareAConnection by sharing cabs.

Finding people with the same interests is priceless! A lot of people have found their new connections in a cab ride! What’s your Ola Share story?

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