World Environment Day 2020: Ways Towards Eco-friendly Ethical Fashion
World Environment Day 2020: Ways Towards Eco-friendly Ethical Fashion
Try investing in some better quality pieces instead of spending on many items that won’t last as long. Reducing plays a very important role in achieving a sustainable life in fashion.

One can bring change with conscious and consistent gestures. World Environment Day calls for putting the planet’s interest above individuals. There are some really simple steps to help preserve and conserve the environment. Just with practicality and common sense one can make quite a huge difference.

However, when it comes to fashion, many are left scratching their heads in getting what does eco-friendly really mean. Fashion is one of the most polluting industries in the world and leaves a huge impact on the planet in a not-so-pleasant way. It doesn’t have to be a compromise, but yes some mindful buying and homework can go long way in you becoming responsibly fashionable.

Buy fewer, higher quality clothing

Try investing in some better quality pieces instead of spending on many items that won’t last as long. Reducing plays a very important role in achieving a sustainable life in fashion.

Repair garments

It is better to repair your garments instead of recycling them as it helps in extending the life of the clothes. It will reduce carbon footprint caused by an unsustainable rate of fashion production and consumption. Good for your wallet and the planet!

Buy from neighbours

There are a number of clothing groups on social media out there that you can join. Go through your neighbours clothing or trade clothes or sell your old garments, you can even get some extra cash!

Create a capsule wardrobe

Nothing but essentials and classics. This wardrobe complete with timeless items of not more than 30 ensures that you will have just those pieces you love the most.

Organize a clothing swap

Do the planet a favour by swapping your clothes with friends or co-workers. This way is super easy and fun and organizing such a swap can be a guilt-free excuse of socializing.

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