Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and wife Kiran Rao have left on three-day wildlife safari as they made a visit to Gir National Park on Sunday to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary. The actor also met his fans there and greeted them before leaving for his three-day safari. A video of him has been shared by Gir India Films on Twitter where he can be seen speaking to media and saying, “It’s Kiranji and my wedding anniversary on December 28. To celebrate the occasion, we decided to pay a visit to Gir National Park since we had heard so much about it.” He can also be heard saying as Gir is such a beautiful place and they are fortunate to see a number of lions there. He also urged people to come and visit Gir and enjoy the lifetime experience.
Aamir Khan: I am so happy today because I seen proud of india (Khan see 14 Asiatic lions in Gir National park today) #sasangir #asiaticlion #AamirKhan @aamir_khan @PMOIndia @CMOGuj @GujaratTourism@drrajivguptaias @HoffPccf @PccfWildlife @CCF_Wildlife@DCF_GirWest @dcfsasangir— GirIndiaFilms (@GirIndiaFilms) December 27, 2020
Aamir and Kiran are accompanied by their son Azad, Aamir’s daughter Ira, and his nephew Imran Khan and his daughter Imara on their Gir National Park trip.
According to a report published by Hindustan Times, Aamir in an earlier interview recalled his love story with Kiran and stated that he met her on the sets of Lagaan (2001) where she was one of the assistant directors. However, the actor revealed that their love story began after his separation and divorce with his first wife. He is quoted by the portal as saying, “In that moment of trauma, her phone came and I talked to her on the phone for half an hour. And when I put the phone down, I said, ‘My God! I feel so happy when I talk to her’.”
Apart from his personal life, Aamir is all set to rule the big screen with his upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha. The film is a Hindi remake of the Tom Hanks starrer Forrest Gump and will also feature Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead role. It is directed by Advait Chandan.
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