All Your Favourite Marvel Superhero Quotes Are on This Fan-made Website
All Your Favourite Marvel Superhero Quotes Are on This Fan-made Website
An MCU fan just created a search based website collating all Marvel films' quotes in a biblical format. Check it out.

Superhero frenzy took over the world when Avengers: Endgame released on April 26. From fans paying exorbitant prices for tickets to social media takeover, the Marvel juggernaut saw it all happening over the past few months. Each time something bizarre happened, die-hard MCU fans took it another level and now one website created by a Marvel faithful collates quotes from all MCU films in a biblical manner.

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Programmer Sean Lennaerts has made a website that lets you search all Marvel movies based on the quotes from the respective films. All you have to do is type in keywords like character names, dialogues, film's name et al and the results draw up a list of memorable quotes, with additional information like the film it was in and the timeline in the film when the quote was said. Now you can search for your favourite line in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, all at one website.

Sample a couple of screenshots from the website here:

Avengers: Endgame's total worldwide box office collection currently stands at USD 2.73 billion, pegging it another USD 50 million short of James Cameron's Avatar. If the film outdoes Avatar at the ticket window, Endgame will go down in history as the highest grossing film of all times. Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, the film stars Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Josh Brolin, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson and Mark Ruffalo in lead roles.

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