Here's Who Dies and Who Survives in Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5
Here's Who Dies and Who Survives in Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5
With vengeance and Iron Throne at stake, a number of lives were lost and a handful of the characters were spared in Game of Thrones season 8, episode 5.

Spoilers ahead: There are some major spoilers from Season 8, Episode 5 of Game of Thrones, titled The Bells.

The penultimate episode of Game of Thrones season finale promised a brutal, filthy, bloody and maddening battle. With vengeance and Iron Throne at stake, a number of lives were lost and a handful of the characters were spared.

As Daenerys Targaryen rode his last surviving dragon, Drogon, she avenged the deaths of her son, Rhaegal and her loved loyal Missandei. The episode lasted for more than 80 minutes giving major twists to the plot.

In a "firey" episode as Danny set King's Landing aflame, Lannisters were the ones who paid price, while the Starks stood alive at the end of the day. Here’s the list of everyone who died and everyone who survived — starting with the one who bid farewell to the show.


Varys is quick to understand that his queen will soon turn to Mad Queen and in order to avoid that he is panning out a plan to save the lives of the innocent. But before he could do so, he is charred down alive by Daenerys following the accusations of treason and plotting against the queen.

Ser Harry Strickland

The captain of the Golden Company in Essos were firm on their grounds to take down the queen and her army. But before he could comprehend, he along with his army was turned into ashes when Dany and Drogon came spitting fire from behind. The mercenary army were destroyed by fire in no time and Ser Strickland was killed by Grey Worm.

The innocents of King's Landing

What kept the Mother of Dragons a loved a just character in Game of Thrones was her acts of mercy. But, as we approach the season finale, Daenerys loses her calm and sets the King's Landing on fire, quite literally. In an uncalled war, Daenerys follows the arch of Mad Queen and massacre the innocents in King's Landing with Drogon spitting fire.

Euron Greyjoy

Keeping up with his title, the Kingslayer, Jaime Lannister kills Euron Greyjoy. However, as he succumbs to his wounds, he still wants to believe that he is the one who killed Jaime.


As the Clegane brothers came face to face, Qyburn tries to stop Gregor from engaging into the fight, following which, the Mountain chucks him to the side. Qyburn falls atop hard debris, injuring his head and dies on the spot.

Clegane brothers

After a long wait and building much hype about the brother rivalry for a couple of seasons, the Clegane brothers come face to face to battle out each other. What appears to be a draw, in the end, Hound and Mountain both fall with the falling ruins of Red Keep.

Jaime and Cersei Lannister:

Jaime Lannister sneaks into King's Landing to reunite with his sister-cum-love Cersei Lannister and help her escape the falling city safely. However, he's late and Dany's dragon has already torn down the Red Keep. What appears to be the final moments of the two in the show, we see Jaime and Cersei sharing a concerned and emotional moment together as they get crushed under the building.

Who survives in Game of Thrones season 8, episode 5

While the Starks struggled to save themselves in the initial seasons, by the final season, theirs is the surviving house with most family members alive. Jon Snow, Arya, Sansa and Bran survived the last war without much struggle. Apart from them, Ser Davos Seaworth, Tyrion Lannister, Grey Worm, and Daenerys among others join the surviving side.

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