The new Marvel Cinematic Universe show The Falcon and the Winter Soldier premiered last Friday with critical and commercial acclaim. Set after the events of Avengers: Endgame, the series saw Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes navigating their lives after returning from the dead. However, the events that took place at the end of episode 1 has angered fans.
In the show, we saw Sam give Steve Rogers AKA Captain America’s vibranium shield to the government as he felt that he did not earn the right to carry on his legacy. However, by the end of the episode the government appointed a new Captain America, John Walker played by Wyatt Russel. Since this episode dropped, fans have taken to Twitter to share ‘Not My Cap’ memes showing their disappointment over this recent development.
Take a look at the #NotMyCap memes below:
How could you do this @Marvel ???#NotMyCap— Mistiful (@Mistiful2) March 20, 2021
My forever response to this #NotMyCap— Chris Flaherty: The First Avenger (@ChrisFlaertweet) March 21, 2021
I want my cap back. The real CAP.NOT NEW ONE#NotMyCap #FalconAndTheWinterSoldier— Ananya Sharma (@AnanyaSharma_29) March 21, 2021
This explains exactly how I'm feeling rn#TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier #NotMyCap ????????— Micky (@Micky_sloane) March 21, 2021
Yeah this is not gonna work #NotMyCap #NOTMYCAPTAINAMERICA— SAIKIRAN TRS (@saikiranbirada4) March 21, 2021
#NotMyCap credit to creator. #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier— Calamity Jess (@jess_blake79) March 20, 2021
However, some fans jumped in to defend the show, saying that this is only a plot device and a ‘red herring,’ hence the Twitter trend is an ‘overreaction’:
I just found out about #NotMyCap thing… people, you are aware this guy is not going to be a new Captain America for now one, right? It's not even the Nazi Cap thing for while ago, this is literally a obvious Red Herring.— Mac, Good Luck Snyder (@MCAvenger214) March 20, 2021
The #NotMyCap hashtag is honestly, an overreaction. I get that John Walker is not a very popular character, but to judge an interpretation of a character before the audience knows him is not only premature, it’s offensive. #FalconandtheWinterSoldier— #MarvelousExcelsiorius (@MCExcelsiorius) March 20, 2021
My favorite thing about the #NotMyCap thing is no one really dislikes the actor, in fact we all know we're gonna enjoy this show, and the actor's gonna knock it outa the park. Plus, hating on dollar general captain America is gonna be the most fun since ramsey Bolton— Ameriruski Cosplay (@spatula108) March 21, 2021
Heh, one can argue that #NotMyCap will literally be his character arc in and out of the story.— Mr Pionowy (@Mr_Pionowy) March 20, 2021
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan as the eponymous characters, along with Emily Vancamp, Wyatt Russel and Daniel Bruhl in important roles. The show has been created by Malcolm Spellman and directed by Kari Skogland.
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