Actor Kunal Jaisingh, who is currently starring in 'Pavitra Bhagya' with Aneri Vajani, said that Ranveer Singh's character in 'Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl' inspired his casanova act.
Actor Kunal Jaisingh revisited Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh's conman act in the film Ladies vs Ricky Bahl to prepare for his role in the upcoming TV show Pavitra Bhagya.
Kunal will be seen playing the character of Reyansh in the serial.
"Reyansh's personality is completely opposite of mine. I am trying to understand him better as a person in order to do justice to the role. I am taking inspiration from Ranveer Singh's character in Ladies vs Ricky Bahl. He is similar to him and lives life on the edge. I am trying to adapt his mannerisms, action and the way he delivers his lines," Kunal said.
Pavitra Bhagya will air on Colors TV.
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