Purple Day for Epilepsy 2023: History, Significance, Interesting Facts, and Quotes
Purple Day for Epilepsy 2023: History, Significance, Interesting Facts, and Quotes
Purple Day for Epilepsy 2023: Purple Day aims to spread epilepsy awareness and empower those affected by it. Approximately 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy

PURPLE DAY FOR EPILEPSY: Purple Day is a global event observed to raise awareness around epilepsy, a common neurological disease. The day is observed on March 26, every year. The day was founded by Cassidy Megan in 2008 after she struggled with epilepsy and the social stigma that surrounds the condition.

The goal of Purple Day is to increase public awareness and understanding of epilepsy, as well as to encourage individuals and communities affected by epilepsy to talk about it openly and support one another.

On this day, many take part in events, and campaigns to promote epilepsy awareness. Schools, businesses, organizations, politicians, and celebrities around the world have joined forces to raise awareness and support for those living with epilepsy. Read more about this day:

Purple Day for Epilepsy: History

Cassidy Megan, who struggled with epilepsy herself, came up with the concept of Purple Day in 2008. The aim of the event is to promote awareness about epilepsy and to reassure those who have seizures that they are not alone.

In 2009, Cassidy Megan teamed up with The Epilepsy Association of The Maritimes and The Anita Kaufmann Foundation to launch Purple Day worldwide. As the primary sponsors of the initiative, they collaborate with various organizations and individuals globally to raise epilepsy awareness.

The combined efforts of Cassidy Megan, EAM, and The Anita Kaufmann Foundation have resulted in active participation from many organizations, schools, businesses, politicians, and celebrities worldwide.

Purple Day for Epilepsy: Significance

Purple Day aims to spread epilepsy awareness and empower those affected by it. Despite its noble objective, social stigma and fear still persist in many developing countries. The eradication of these barriers is crucial to enable epileptic individuals to live without fear and enjoy their freedom. With its inclusive approach, Purple Day seeks to make a difference in the lives of people with epilepsy and promote a more understanding and compassionate society.

Purple Day for Epilepsy: Epilepsy Facts

  1. Approximately 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy.
  2. There is a risk of premature death up to three times higher in individuals with epilepsy than in the general population.
  3. The estimated prevalence of epilepsy is 1 in 100 people.
  4. Approximately 2.2 million Americans live with epilepsy.
  5. Epilepsy is not contagious. It is also not a psychological disorder.

Inspirational Quotes for Epilepsy

  1. Know me for my abilities, not my disability. — Robert M. Hensel
  2. There’s no reason why a person with epilepsy can’t play sports or pursue their dreams. I’ve learned to live with it, the fear of the unknown, because I want to really live life, and for me, that means playing ice hockey. — Chanda Gunn
  3. There’s nothing more debilitating about a disability than the way people treat you over it. ― Solange Nicole
  4. My condition, epilepsy, is a brain disorder, not a disease. There’s a difference. You catch diseases. No one can “catch” epilepsy. ― Marjorie Jackson

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