Role of Spiritual Leaders in Creating Awareness on Safe Sanitation
Role of Spiritual Leaders in Creating Awareness on Safe Sanitation
Engaging spiritual leaders is evident to ensure access to clean drinking water, safe sanitation and proper hygiene practices.

Spiritual leaders enjoy a massive following and many of them have played important roles in fighting several social evils. Considering their influence over the communities of followers and society at large, leveraging the persuasive role of spiritual leaders can also help to achieve improved sanitation goals. The faith leaders can inspire their followers for sustainable behaviour change around safe sanitation practices. Social biases, cultural influences and resistance to behavioural changes often hinder the water and sanitation goals. Such roadblocks often make marginalised sections of the society, including women, children and transgender community more vulnerable to several health risks. A concrete action plan involving the spiritual leaders can help to fight the roadblocks on the path to sustainable sanitation goals.

The teachings by community leaders and preachers not only transforms individual lives but also takes the sanitation movement at grassroots levels – from home to schools and workplaces. Our spiritual traditions and culture have always laid emphasis on cleanliness and its linkages to nature. This espouses not only safe sanitation practices but conservation of water bodies and other natural resources. Advocacy and Communication Strategy around safe sanitation needs active participation of spiritual leaders and in the past their involvement has resulted in positive outcomes.

For example, the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance (GIWA) led by Swami Chidanand Saraswati, a first of its kind initiative in the country to bring together planet’s many faiths to promote access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation and proper hygiene, has played an important role in spreading the awareness towards this cause.  As a part of its goal of improving the sanitation value chain, GIWA in association with Reckitt has established World Toilet College at Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, in alignment with the Swachh Bharat Mission’s goals. The World Toilet College has been playing an important role in training sanitation workers and providing them employment since its establishment in 2016.

Several spiritual leaders have repeatedly called on pilgrims to be mindful of the sanctity of the place they visit to pray. Being exemplary agents of cleanliness and purity, they often share anecdotes and stories that inspire their followers towards sanitation. The spiritual leaders can help to spread the message of safe sanitation and water conservation at their congregations and this can accelerate the information, education and communication drives at the grassroots level.   

The government has rightly involved spiritual leaders of the country to spread the message of water conservation and safe sanitation under its different flagship missions. Many spiritual leaders at their individual levels had also led mass movements towards improved sanitation outcomes. Now it’s time to increase the participation of faith leaders for improved sustainable sanitation outcomes.   

Mission Swachhta Aur Paani, a News18 and Harpic India initiative, advocates the availability and usage of clean water and safe sanitation for all. Let’s all come together and join hands for Mission Swachhta Aur Paani- Mil Kar Lein Ye Zimmedari to ensure sustainable and inclusive sanitation. A grand Telethon will bring together government representatives, celebrities, artists, change makers, policy experts and youth icons to celebrate the cause on the occasion of World Toilet Day on November 19. 

Watch the telethon LIVE on November 19, 12 pm onwards at: Mission Swachhta Aur Paani 

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