Why Tom Holland Is Unhappy With Reports Of His Social Media Break
Why Tom Holland Is Unhappy With Reports Of His Social Media Break
Hollywood actor Tom Holland expressed his disappointment with the way his social media break was reported by the press.

Hollywood actor Tom Holland expressed his disappointment with the way his social media hiatus was reported by the press. In a recent interview on the On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast, the Spider-Man: No Way Home star revealed his frustration at how the media took his story ‘in the wrong direction.’

The actor known for being vocal about mental health, has been candid about his decision to take a break from social media. During the podcast interview, he discussed the toll that his emotional role in The Crowded Room had taken on him and how it prompted him to step away from the addictive nature of social media.

Holland explained, “I was having a really hard time with the job just because of how taxing it was, the emotional capacity that I was having to get to every day. And I decided to delete my Instagram because I just felt like I was so addicted to this kind of false version of my life that it was just taking over."

Holland further revealed that he made a public announcement about his social media hiatus, explaining that he believed it would benefit his mental health. However, he was dismayed when the press took his statement and spun it into a narrative of a mental breakdown. He said, “The thing that really upset me is the press ran with that and they tried to make out that I was having this mental breakdown. And what upset me was if I was having a mental breakdown, that’s not for you to report on."

The 27-year-old expressed disappointment that his decision to prioritize his mental well-being was portrayed negatively by the media. Rather than supporting his choice, the press painted a negative light on mental health, perpetuating the stigma surrounding it. “They took the story in the wrong direction. They painted this negative light on mental health," he said.

Holland believes that this type of journalism is unfair and misleading. He emphasized the importance of responsible reporting and expressed his disappointment that the press failed to take a more understanding and supportive approach.

This is not the first time Holland has faced media scrutiny over personal decisions. Earlier this year, he revealed his plans to take a year-long break from acting after filming Uncharted and Spider-Man: No Way Home back-to-back. However, his decision was put on hold when he received an offer to star in The Crowded Room. After completing that challenging project, Holland decided it was time to take a break and focus on himself.

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