After Clearing Exams, ChatGPT Is Now Helping People Track Unclaimed Refunds
After Clearing Exams, ChatGPT Is Now Helping People Track Unclaimed Refunds
The only obstacle the AI encountered was a captcha, and legal services chatbot DoNotPay is working to develop its own plugin to overcome this challenge.

The power of Artificial Intelligence is undeniable. ChatGPT’s magic is now being utilized for searching for unclaimed refunds and forgotten funds. Just ask DoNotPay CEO Joshua Browder, who recently put ChatGPT to the test and scored $210 (over Rs 17 thousand) from the California Government in just one minute. You might wonder how he did that. With the help of an obscure government portal called the “California State Controller” and ChatGPT’s lightning-fast AI. But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a tech genius like Browder to claim your own unclaimed refunds. The ChatGPT browsing extension will guide you every step of the way with easy-to-follow instructions, so you can sit back, relax, and watch the cash roll in.

In a series of tweets, the CEO explained just how he did it. “I asked the new ChatGPT browsing extension to find me some money. Within a minute, I had $210 on the way to my bank account from the California Government,” he wrote.

In a follow-up tweet, he explained, “The first idea it came up with was to visit an obscure government website: the “California State Controller.” This website holds unclaimed refunds from companies that can’t contact you. It gave me a link with step-by-step instructions on what to do.”

Joshua Browder also explained that the AI was only hindered by a captcha, preventing it from automatically completing the task. Companies would not want to incorporate these types of integrations directly because it would result in a loss of revenue for them. For example, Comcast would not allow customers to cancel their services with the help of a ChatGPT plugin. However, at DoNotPay, the team is developing its own plugin to overcome this obstacle and make the process more seamless.

Social media users were impressed by how they too were able to find their unclaimed refunds. Not many people expected to find something under their name, it turns out they were wrong. Some had more ideas about how this could be put to further use. “Thank you for this! I checked and wasn’t expecting anything. I was wrong! $385,” wrote a user.

Another tweet read, “Would be amazing to have a tool like this to help musicians find and claim unpaid royalties.”

“Do you think it’s a good idea that you are telling people to add in their legal name and DOB to ChatGPT? Is that reasonable or responsible from a privacy perspective?” questioned a user.

A fellow Twitter user explained that OpenAI only holds the data for 30 days for safety reasons. In case someone is doing something nefarious and needs to be tried in court

While all of this was achieved using the Premium version of ChatGPT, there is no denying AI has made lives easier than before and surely more fun as well.

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