From job opportunities at India’s central bank RBI to leading tech giants like Microsoft, there are several opportunities for job seekers in the government as well as the corporate sector. This includes offers for various experience and educational qualification levels. If you have been actively looking for a job switch or trying to get into a government job for a stable work opportunity, here’s a list of jobs you can apply to this week.
The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has notified the recruitment process for filling 116 posts of group 2 and 5413 posts of group 2A. The application window will be open till March and candidates can submit their application online at the commission’s official portal tnpsc.gov.in and tnpscexams.net. The selection of candidates will be done on the basis of a preliminary exam followed by main exam and interview process. Check all details here.
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Eastern Coalfield Mining Sirdar
Eastern Coalfields Limited, a subsidiary of Navaratna company Coal India Limited, has sought applications for 313 posts of mining sirdar at its mines across West Bengal and Jharkhand. The recruitment will be subject to the government’s reservation policies. Candidates can apply for recruitment online at easterncoal.gov.in on or before March 10. For more information click here.
RBI Assistant
The Reserve Bank of India is conducting recruitment for filling 950 vacancies of assistants across its branches in the country. The eligibility criteria for the recruitment is a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum of 50 per cent. Candidates can apply online at rbi.org.in on or before March 8. Check other details here.
East Coast Railway Apprenticeship
The East Coast Railway has sought applications for filling 756 posts of apprenticeship roles across different trades. The selection will be done based on a merit list prepared after averaging the candidate’s class 10 and ITI marks. Candidates can apply online at Railway Recruitment Cell Bhubaneshwar’s official website, rrcbbs.org.in till 5 PM of March 7. For More Details check here.
Ground Water Department Rajasthan
The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has notified the direct recruitment process for filling 53 vacancies in the state’s Ground Water Department on a temporary basis. The vacancies include 40 for the post of assistant, 8 for junior hydrogeologists and 5 for the posts of Junior Geophysicist. Candidates can apply only at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in till midnight of March. The eligibility of the recruitment depends according to the posts. Candidates can get the information here.
Army Medical Corps – Group C vacancy
The Indian Army has sought applications for filling 47 group C vacancies in the Army Medical Corps Unit. Candidates can apply for the recruitment via post till March 21. Candidates who have cleared class `10 can apply for the posts. The selection will be done on the basis of a written exam. For more details click here.
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Microsoft – Software Engineer
Tech giant, Microsoft has sought applications of eligible candidates for the hiring of software engineers at its locations in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Noida. 2022 batch graduates who have completed their BTech, MTech or MS degree in computer science or equivalent subjects with a CGPA of 7.5 out of 10 can apply. Check details here.
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