Helpful Tips To Look After Your Visually-impaired Pet
Helpful Tips To Look After Your Visually-impaired Pet
No matter what you do, you must keep your pet's veterinarian on loop at all times no matter what!

Blindness in pets can be quite devastating. Sometimes it is a gradual process giving you more time to prepare. Other times, it can be sudden. But watching your pet struggle can be heartbreaking. If you are worried about your furry companion’s quality of life and what you must do as a caretaker, the first step is to identify the cause behind their blindness.

Next, you can ask your veterinarian if there is something, in particular, you can do for your pet. However, there are some general steps you can take to make their life instantly better. Read on to find more:

Pet Proof The Home

It’s time to puppy-proof your house once again. If you have any hazardous items in your house that can get in your pet’s usual walkway, remove them immediately. Cover all sharp edges and corners, install baby gates around the stairwell, get electric wires out of the way, and make sure your balconies and windows are netted for protection. You can also use textured mats to train them about danger zones.

Harness With An Attached Halo

Investing in a harness attached to the halo might be a good idea. It is a great way to let others know that your dog can’t see and exercise caution. Especially when you’re out on a walk. The halo also prevents your companion from bumping into hard surfaces. A great way to increase your pet’s confidence when they are mobile. Remember to stick to the same route when you go for a walk. This will help them familiarize themselves with the path.

Speak Often

If you want your pet to know you’re around, talk to them often. This can also help calm their anxiety. Alternatively, you can teach them verbal cues to help them navigate easily. It will also help them maintain their confidence. Always speak to them before touching or petting them so as to not startle them.

Find Them Sighted Friend

Companionship can work wonders, especially for dogs. Often a sighted guide dog can be beneficial for your pet. If you already have another pet, you can train them to be a guide for your visually impaired pet. Alternatively, you can ask your veterinarian if bringing home another pet is alright to assist your visually impaired pet.

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Familiarized Environment

If your pet has recently suffered from vision loss, it is best to create a familiar environment. Avoid changing the floor plan of the house, as this will allow your pet to explore the house without feeling anxious. Make sure their food and water are kept in the same place, making them easily accessible. You can also introduce tools like textured mats and rugs to mark locations. Don’t leave around anything that might be hazardous for your furry companion.

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