Here Is All That You Need To Know About How Aloe Vera Aids Sunburns
Here Is All That You Need To Know About How Aloe Vera Aids Sunburns
Aloe vera has a plethora of ingredients that aid the pain, redness and swelling which is caused as a result of inflammation.

Tired of treating your sunburns and not attaining optimum results? We have a solution for you that would not require much effort. Taking care of the skin prior to and post-exposure to ultraviolet rays is extremely crucial, not just to obtain ravishing skin, but to prevent early ageing as well.

Now, have you ever heard of aloe vera? For those who have not, it is a succulent plant that is known for its healing properties. Using the clear gel from its leaves can help you manage skin conditions such as rashes and burns.

Here’s how aloe vera treats your sunburn:

It decreases inflammation: The plant has a plethora of ingredients that aid the pain, redness and swelling which is caused as a result of inflammation. It blocks the pathway of the cyclooxygenase, which is responsible for creating an anti-inflammatory effect. Additionally, aloe vera consists of bradykinin, which helps in reducing inflammation.

Triggers collagen production: The production of collagen improves skin suppleness, firmness, and dryness.

Moisturises the skin: Aloe vera consists of mucopolysaccharides, it is a substance that aids in retaining moisture. Moreover, it possesses several amino acids, which can smooth hardened skin cells.

Prevents infection: Aloe vera contains Salicylic acid, which has both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Hence, it pacifies the pain and prevents infection.

Neutralizes free radicals: The plant possesses multiple antioxidants like vitamin A, C, and E. These antioxidants neutralise the free radicals and reduces sun damage.

Wondering how to use the aloe vera gel?

  • You can apply it directly from the plant.
  • Use aloe vera gel. Ensure to look for a 100% aloe vera gel and apply the layer of it directly to the burn.
  • Use aloe vera lotions. Make sure to purchase a lotion that has additives such as colours and perfumes. Also, make sure that your lotion consists of the highest percentage of aloe vera.

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