India Summons Swiss Envoy over Defamatory Posters outside Geneva UN Office
India Summons Swiss Envoy over Defamatory Posters outside Geneva UN Office
The Swiss envoy Ralf Heckner met Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) Secretary (West) Sanjay Verma who conveyed India's displeasure towards the defamatory posters

The external affairs ministry called Switzerland’s envoy to India and raised the issue of posters with defamatory statements seen outside the United Nations office in Geneva.

Posters falsely claiming women, religious minorities and certain social groups were being persecuted in India were put up outside the UN office.

The envoy said that India’s concerns will be conveyed to authorities in Berne “with all the seriousness it deserves”.

“The posters in Geneva are part of space provided to all, but in no way endorses the claims, nor reflects the position of the Swiss government,” the envoy said, people familiar with the developments told News18.

The posters were put up in an area which is part of a space provided to all, the envoy, Ralf Heckner, said.

“The embassy has conveyed India’s concerns to Berne with all the seriousness it deserves,” Ralf Heckner said, according to people familiar with the development.

The posters went viral on social media and led to widespread condemnation from Indians. People familiar with the developments said that similar posters were also put up in the past ahead of UNHRC sessions.

(with inputs from Shalinder Wangu)

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