Skincare Tips: Here Is Why You Should Be Wearing Sunscreen All Year Around, Dermats Explain
Skincare Tips: Here Is Why You Should Be Wearing Sunscreen All Year Around, Dermats Explain
Make sunscreen your go-to skincare product and you will be astonished as to how rapidly your entire skincare game elevates

The is a popular belief that sunscreen should especially be used in the summer month and should be used a little more than usual while stepping out. We often miss out on the simple fact that sunscreen is a really important skincare element that we should be banking on all through the year. It is beneficial to us in more ways than we are even aware of.

Dr Priya Puja, M.D., M.R.C.P. (SCE, Dermatology), Head Medical Advisor, North and East, Kaya Ltd, says, “Snow, sand, and water can reflect UV rays and increase your exposure. This effect is not limited to sunny days or warm climates. Even in winter or colder regions, skiing, snowboarding, or spending time near water bodies can amplify UV radiation. It’s essential to apply sunscreen on exposed areas of your skin to prevent sunburn, skin damage, and long-term consequences.”

She further added, “UV radiation can penetrate through windows, exposing you to harmful rays even when you’re indoors. If you spend a significant amount of time near windows or in well-lit environments, wearing sunscreen can help shield your skin from these UV rays and minimize potential damage.”

Sunscreen is a multi-faceted product that can elevate our entire skincare game, it not only protects the skin from harmful UV rays but is capable of doing much more and even beyond that.

Dr. Ankur Sarin, MD,MRCPUK, Dipl.Allergy Germany, Consulting Dermat at Fixderma Pvt. Ltd., pointed out saying, “Sunscreen is an essential tool for reducing the risk of skin damage. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, even on cloudy days. It is also important to reapply sunscreen every two hours, or more frequently if swimming or sweating.”

“Additionally, wearing sunscreen can help prevent discolouration and uneven skin tone. UV radiation can cause hyperpigmentation, especially in areas like the face, neck, and hands. Using sunscreen can also help prevent the development of age spots, freckles, and other forms of hyperpigmentation,” he added.

If you live in a cold region and believe that you are safe we are sorry to break it to you but you have totally wrong.

Dr. Geetika Mittal Gupta, Aesthetic physician and founder of ISAAC Luxe (International Skin & Anti-Aging Centre), stated, “With winter darkness and spring showers, it’s natural to wonder whether you really need to wear sunscreen every day. It turns out, the sun’s rays are powerful enough to penetrate even dark clouds.”

She also mentioned, “Wearing sunscreen is important year-round, even when it is cold and overcast outside. Exposure to sunlight can cause negative skin changes that can lead to wrinkling, sunburn and skin cancer. Sunscreen acts as a protective barrier against sunlight.”

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