Social Media Stars, Abhi And Niyu Have Been Chosen As Exclusive Goodwill Ambassadors For Special Olympic Bharat
Social Media Stars, Abhi And Niyu Have Been Chosen As Exclusive Goodwill Ambassadors For Special Olympic Bharat
This incredibly popular duo will be rooting and cheering for Indian athletes in Berlin this season

Social media sensations, Abhiraj and Niyati aka Abhi & Niyu are extremely popular as content creators. They have been invited to go ahead and motivate the Indian contingent and cheer for the Indian special athletes who will be heading to the Special Olympics World Summer Games, in Berlin. The two have been roped in to become Exclusive Goodwill Ambassadors under the “Influencers” category to create awareness about the special athletes representing the country at the World Summer Games in Berlin, Germany from June 17 to June 25, 2023.

Abhi & Niyu have travelled throughout India in search of 100 inspiring stories of change, positivism, and inspiration. The two frequently incorporate facts with the informative content that they put up on the internet. Their commitment to disseminating information on a wide range of topics, including business studies, environmental challenges, and potential remedies has greatly increased their appeal. Abhi and Niyu are overjoyed to support the participants and be a part of an occasion that has the power to bring the world together unlike any other.

The duo believe in helping others in whatever way possible, that could be by being part of numerous groups that connected plasma donors and helped obtain hospital beds and other necessities for the poor during the devastating second wave of Covid-19. They also created a video based on this brilliant idea to urge people to give their used or worn-out masks and PPE kits to this cause.

This summer, the Special Olympics will be welcoming 7000 Special Olympics athletes and Unified partners from 190 countries to compete across 26 sports disciplines. The athletes will be supported by more than 3,000 coaches and 20,000 volunteers. Special Olympics Bharat is sending a contingent of 198 Special Athletes and partners and 57 Coaches from India to participate across 16 Sports.

On becoming the Exclusive Goodwill Ambassadors for Special Olympics Bharat, Abhi and Niyu stated, “It’s a great privilege to be in the company of special athletes that will make the country proud! Knowing their stories, cheering for them, and being a part of this marvellous journey will be an experience to cherish. We hope to create awareness among the general public about the cause of the Special Olympics and celebrate inclusivity through sports. We wish like to encourage more people to support our special stars who will be representing India at the Special Olympics World Summer Games, Berlin.”

Dr Mallika Nadda, Chairperson, SO Bharat, stated “I am delighted to see youth like Abhi and Niyu sensitised and proactive in their responsibility towards society. I appreciate the several initiatives they have supported, drawing attention of the enormous online following they enjoy. I trust that these partnerships would inspire people and help change mind sets.”

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