Bush's assurances on N-deal lack legal backing: BJP
Bush's assurances on N-deal lack legal backing: BJP
BJP Spokesman says history will prove N-deal a defeat for India.

New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday termed US President George W Bush's comments after signing into law the Indo-US nuclear deal legislation as mere "personal assurances" with "no legal standing." and that history would prove the agreement was a "defeat" for the country.

While reacting to the US leader's assent to the legislation, BJP Spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy said, "The last minute faces saving comments by the US President are nearly personal assurances and have no legal standing or any statutory back up."

"Even Bush is silent in his speech about the contentious issue of nuclear testing and the Government has clearly failed in ensuring the sovereignty and nuclear independence for the country," said Rudy.

“Only history would prove that it is a defeat for the country earned by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) at the cost of the common man,” he added.

Rudy further said that BJP's stand on Thursday vindicated and asserted that its opposition to the deal in its present form would continue unabated.

On October 8, the US President signed the legislation into law to implement the historic Indo-US civil nuclear deal and assured that there were "no changes" in fuel supply commitments as provided in the 123 Agreement and that India has also been granted "advanced consent" for reprocessing.

Earlier, the US Senate had approved the landmark Indo-US civil nuclear deal.

The 100-member US Senate approved the Indo-US nuclear deal paving the way for its operationalisation. While 86 Senators voted for the deal, 13 opposed it.

The US Senate approved the legislation on the deal four days after the US House of Representatives passed the agreement by a clear majority (298-117 votes).

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