Third Front will split after LS polls: BJP
Third Front will split after LS polls: BJP
BJP says the parties that will break away will join them.

Chennai: The BJP on Thursday claimed that the Third Front would "split up" after the Lok Sabha elections, which would only "add strength" to the party in forming the government at the Centre.

"The formation of Third Front proposed by certain political parties will split up after election results. Some parties from that will come to support us directly or

indirectly. This will only add strength to the BJP for coming to power," BJP National Secretary S Thirunavukarasar told reporters.

He claimed that the Third Front cannot form a government on its own without the support of either BJP or Congress.

BJP had postponed its meeting to announce the list of candidates for Tamil Nadu till the month-end, Thirunavukarasar said.

While asserting that BJP-led alliance would form government at the Centre, Thirunavukarasar said his party would take steps to prevail upon the Sri Lankan government to ensure ceasefire in the island nation and bring about a 'sustained solution' to the Lankan Tamils issue.

On BJP's possible alliance in Tamil Nadu for the Lok Sabha polls, he said discussions with several parties were on in the regard.

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